Tomatensorten aus aller Welt – über 20.000 Sorten. Ein Fotoverzeichnis von vielen verschiedenen Sorten Tomaten finden Sie auf der Seite Fotoindex Tomatensorten. Literatur und wissenschaftliche Puplikationen zu der Gattung Solanum finden sie unter Literatur Tomaten. Die Liste aller bekannten Tomatensorten hat bereits 20.000 Tomatensorten überschritten und wird stets erweitert. Sollte eine Sorte fehlen, würde ich mich über eine kurze E-mail an sehr freuen.
- 42 Day Tomato
- 67 Jährige Tomate aus Babelsberg
- Abc Potato Leaf
- Abel
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abundens
- Accumbens
- Ace
- Ace 55 VF
- Achmiadsin
- Aci
- Acme
- Acroxantha
- Adpressa
- Adriana
- Adusta
- Aegrescens
- Aegrota
- Afertilis
- Ag
- Agatha
- Agrappoli d’Inverno
- Ailsa Craig
- Airyleaf
- Alamo
- Alaska
- Albifolium 2
- Albina
- Albomarginata
- Albovirens
- Alboviridis
- Alexto
- Alicante
- Alice Roosevelt
- All Round
- All the Year
- Allure
- Alma
- Alma alaku
- Almut
- Alpat’eva 905
- Alpatieva (Tree shaped)
- Alpatovskij
- Alpha Pink
- Altair (North Star)
- Altajski Teplicnyj
- Altajskij Rannij
- Altay
- Alutacea
- Amana Orange
- Amateur’s Dream
- Amber Colored
- Amber Coloured
- Amish Cherry
- Amish Gold
- Amish Potato Leaf
- Amish Red
- Amish Salad
- Anahu
- Anait
- Ananas Noire
- Ananas Tomate
- Ananasnya
- Ananasové Zlte
- Anantha
- Anastasia
- Andenhorn
- Andrina
- Angora
- Angora Cherry
- Angora Super Sweet
- Angusta
- Angustata
- Anka
- Anna Hermann
- Anna Russian
- Anthocyaninloser
- Antonovka
- Aol
- Apollo
- Applanata
- Aprikosa
- Aprotermesü
- Aranyalma
- Ararat
- Arcadia
- Arg
- Arges 428
- Argonaut
- Aridifolia
- Arkansas Traveller
- Arla
- Arno
- Aserbajdzanskij
- Astrachan
- Astronaut
- AT 30
- AT 70/14
- At Dawn
- Atom
- Attenuata
- Aucuba
- Augusta
- Aunt Gerties Gold
- Aunt Ginnys Purple
- Aunt Rubys German Black Cherry
- Aunt Rubys German Green
- Aunt Rubys German Green Cherry
- Aunt Ruby’s Yellow Cherry
- Aurantia
- Aurantiaca
- Aurantiacum
- Aurea
- Aurega
- Auriga
- Aurit
- Aurora
- Aurora 100
- Aurora 50
- Aurora Pitaru
- Auroroa
- Australia Nugget
- Australische Birnentomate
- Australische Frühe
- Avon Early
- Azes
- Azoychka
- Azoychka Yellow
- Aztec 10
- Azure
- Baby
- Bahia
- Baiguoqiangfeng
- Balkonstar
- Bakonycsernyei
- Balcony Charm
- Bali Tomate
- Baltijskij
- Baltimore
- Banana
- Banana Legs
- Barby
- Barnaul’skij Konzernij
- Baselbieter Roeteli
- Basinga
- Basketvee
- Battipaglia 0156
- Battipaglia 0757
- BC 2
- Beaked /2
- Beauty
- Beauty King
- Beauty Queen
- Beckers Blaue
- Beefsteak
- Beginner
- Beijing Yellow
- Bellarosa
- Belle Angerine
- Belle Arlésienne
- Bellestar
- Belyj Naliv
- Benarys Gartenfreude
- Benewah
- Berkeley Tye Dye
- Berner Rosen
- Berwick German
- Besser
- Best of All
- Bestal
- Beste von Allen
- Beta
- Beta Lux
- Betina
- Betta
- Beymes Erntesegen
- Bianca
- Bibor
- Bicolor
- Bides N.W.C.
- Big Orange
- Big Orange from Amuz
- Big Rainbow
- Big Rosy Underwood
- Big Sungold
- Big White Pink Stripes
- Bijskij Krasnyi
- Bijskij Zeltyj
- Bilders
- Bipinnata
- Bipri 714
- Birch
- Birjucekutskij
- Birjucekutskij 20
- Birjucekutskij 414
- Birjucekutskij 67
- Birnenförmige Gelbe
- Biruinza
- Biskij Zeltij
- Bison
- Bistro
- Blaby
- Black Altai
- Black Cherry
- Black Crimson
- Black Ethiopian
- Black from Tula
- Black Mavr
- Black Pear
- Black Plum
- Black Prince
- Black Red Boar
- Black Russian
- Black Sea Man
- Black tomato
- Black Zebra
- Blackheart
- Blair Forcing
- Blaßgelbe Eier
- Blonde Boar
- Blonde Sarah
- Blondköpfchen
- Blondokee
- Bloody Butcher
- Blue
- Blue Fruit
- Blumenstrauß
- Boars Hoof
- Bodeglut
- Bohnerovo Najlepsie
- Bolero
- Bolivar
- Bonita
- Bonner
- Bonner Beste
- Bonny Best
- Bonnyvee
- Boondocks
- Booster
- Bordeaux
- Bordo
- Borodinsky
- Botag
- Bounty
- Box Car Willy
- Boy Boy
- Bracteata=aurea /2
- Bradley
- Brandywine Cherry
- Brandywine Glicks
- Brandywine OTV
- Brandywine Pink
- Brandywine Sudduths
- Brandywine Yellow
- Brandywine Yellow Platfoot Strain
- Break O’Day
- Bright Yellow
- Brillant Pink
- Brin Maigloeckchen
- Broad Ripple Yellow Currant
- Brown Cherry
- Brown Derby Mix
- Brown Flesh
- Bubjekosoko
- Budai Törpe
- Budai Torpe
- Budennovka
- Budjanovka
- Budyonovka
- Bulgarian 7
- Bulgarian Triumph
- Bulgarski
- Bulgarskie
- Bull Sac
- Bullata
- Bullosa
- Bull’s Heart
- Bunte Pflaume
- Burba L. 31
- Burbank
- Burbank
- Burnley Gem
- Burpee’s Jubilee
- Burrackers Favorite
- Bursztyn
- Bush Beefsteak
- Bush Early Girl
- Bushy Chabarovsky
- Busktomat
- Byce Serdce
- Bychsche Serdse
- Byelorussian
- Ca Chua Hong
- Calabacito Rojo
- Caluc
- Calva = hairless/2
- Calypso
- Cambell 135
- Camp Joy Cherry
- Campbell 1321
- Campbell 146
- Campbell 38
- Campion
- Cana
- Canatella Lignee Ariana 8
- Canatella, Lignee Ariana 3
- Candy Stripe
- Capo
- Caqui
- Carabobo
- Carbon
- Cardinal
- Carinata
- Carleton
- Carmello
- Carmin
- Carmin violett
- Carminviolett
- Carnosa Haba Select
- Caro Red
- Caro Rich
- Caroletta
- Caroletta Orange
- Carotina
- Carrick
- Carrot Like
- Casaque Rouge
- Caspian Pink
- Castleblock
- Catalana
- CC 2781
- Cerasi
- Cerise
- Cerise Orange
- Cernua
- Cervená Ceresienka
- Cerveny Fik
- Cerveny Obr Sladky
- Chadwicks Cherry
- Chalks Early Jewel
- Champion
- Championen
- Chapa
- Chapman
- Char’kovskij 55
- Chebros
- Chef
- Chello
- Chernomor
- Cherokee Chocolate
- Cherokee
Golden - Cherokee Green
- Cherokee Purple
- Cherokee Purple RL
- Chersonskij 1
- Chesapeake
- Chico
- Chico Grande
- Chico No. 2
- Chico Pear
- Chordostojkije 1
- Chrestensens Edelrot
- Chwerotonglo
- Ciliegino Tomate
- Circumsaepta cochlearis/2
- Cirio quadrato
- Citrina
- Clara
- Clausa
- Clean Pink Early
- Clear Early
- Clear Pink
- Cleft
- Clinton
- Clivia
- Coalita
- Cochlearis
- Cocktail
- Coco
- Coeur de Boeuf
- Cold Set
- Collecta
- College Abundant
- College Red
- Colorado Gruseo Liso Trophy
- Colorado Red
- Comasagua
- Comet
- Commutata
- Compacta
- Compactilis
- Complicata
- Composita
- Conchita
- Condensata
- Condine Red
- Conferta
- Congesta
- Conner’s Jewel
- Conqueror
- Contaminata
- Contracta
- Convalescens
- Conversa
- Convoluta
- Cora
- Corazon
- Corbarino
- Corianne
- Corma
- Corrotundata
- Corrupta
- Cosmonaut Volkov Red
- Costoluto Genovese
- Costoluto Genovese Selection Valente V.F
- Coustralee
- Coyote
- Craigella
- Cream City
- Cream Sausage
- Creli pomidori (kleine Tomate)
- Creole
- Crimson 4
- Crimsonvee
- Crispa
- Crnkovic Yugoslavian
- Croja
- Cromco
- Cross Country
- Crown
- Cruise
- Cseresznyealaku
- Csikos bötermö
- Cuatomate
- Cuba C 2781
- Cuban Black
- Cuban Pink
- Cudo Rynka
- Culcitula
- Cuor Di Bue
- Cupuliformis
- Curbaresi
- Currant like
- Curry
- Curta
- Curvata
- Curvifolia
- Dana
- Dänische Export
- Dattelwein
- Day Break
- Daydream
- De Berao
- De Berao Black
- De Berao Gold
- De Colgar
- De Genes
- De Normandi
- Debilis
- Declinata
- Decomposita
- Decumbens
- Dedication
- Deformis /1
- Delaware 14 2
- Deli
- Delice De Jardenier
- Delice du Jardin
- Delight
- Delikates Oranzowy
- Delikatess Gelb
- Deliquescens
- Delizia
- Densa
- Densipinnata
- Deparca
- Depauperata
- Depps Pink Firefly
- Depravata
- Deprimata
- Dessert for Open Soil
- Dessert Plantense
- Detorta
- Detrimentosa
- Deutsche Riesentraube
- Deutscher Fleiß
- Deweese Streaked
- Dietetic
- Dijon Bur
- Dilabens
- Dilatata
- Dilucida
- Diluta
- Dimidiata
- Diminuta
- Dippes Nz 802
- Direkta Ogosta
- Discolor
- Divaricata
- Divergens = suffulta/3
- Dixi Golden Giant
- Djena
Lees Golden Girl - DO 3324
- Domate e sasaj
- Dominator
- Donetzk
- Donor
- Donskoj
- Donskoj 202
- Donskoj 68
- Dots Delight
- Doublerich
- Dr Carolyn
- Dr Carolyn Pink
- Dr Lyle
- Dr. Grundmann St. 702
- Drawehn
- Dream
- Druzba
- Druznyj 2
- Dubok
- Duck Egg
- Dudaim
- Dupla
- Dvorzovij
- Dwarf
- Dwarf Champion
- Dwarf Red
- Dwarf Stone
- Dwarf Yellow Wax
- Dyospyros (Orange)
- E.S.I.
- Eariet
- Earl
of Edgecombe - Earliana
- Earlicrop
- Earliest of All
- Earlinorth
- Early
- Early Annie
- Early Chatham
- Early Cherry
- Early Fireball
- Early Fruit
- Early Girl
- Early Lethbridge
- Early Market
- Early Pink from Far East
- Early Red
- Early Red Chief
- Early Sub Arctic
- Early Sunrise
- Early Yellow Stripe
- Earlypak
- Echinata
- Eckert Polish
- Edelrot
- Eh lim (My People)
- Ei von Phuket
- Eifoermige Dauer
- Eilon
- Eislebener Vollendung
- Elata
- Elbe
- Elberta Girl
- Elegans
- Elfie
- Elfin
- Elim
- Elongata
- Elsa
- Elsaßland
- Eluta
- Emortua
- English Grown
- Enterpriser
- Entire/2
- Enyanya
- Eramosa
- Erecta
- Erevani 14
- Ermak
- Erntesegen
- Eros
- Erste Ernte
- ES 24 Heinz
- ES 58 Heinz
- Esla VFN F1
- Espalier
- Essex Wonder
- Estrelle
- Ethiopian
- Eucross
- Eureka
- Eva Purple Ball
- Evans Purple Pear
- Evergreen
- Excedens
- Exhibition (Stonor)
- Exilis
- Export Danois
- Express
- Extenuata
- Extreme Dwarf 2 d/x 2
- F 101
- Fakel
- Falsiflora
- Falsiflora 2
- Fanal
- Fandango
- Fantasio
- Fargo
- Fast Grow
- Favanövö
- Fax & Mary
- Felcsuti Gerezdes
- Fence Row Cherry
- Ferguson
- Ferris Wheel
- Fertilis
- Feuerball
- Feuerwerk
- Ficarazzi
- Filaris
- Filiforme 2
- Fire Cherry
- Fireball
- Fireball 861
- Firested
- Firesteel
- Fireworks
- Firma
- First Early
- First in the Field
- Fistulosiflora
- Flacca
- Flaccescens
- Flaccida
- Flamme
- Flaschentomate
- Flaveola
- Flavescens
- Flavida
- Fleischtomate aus Neapel
- Flexa
- Flexifolia
- Flora
- Floragold
Basket - Florida Basket
- Florida MH 1
- Florisant
- Floriset F1
- Fontana
- Fordhook First
- Foremost E 21
- Fortune
- Foti
- Fracta
- Fragilis
- Fragosa
- Freckled Child
- Fred Limbaugh Potato Top
- Freiland Früheste
- Frembgens Rheinland’s Ruhm
- Fresh Pak
- Freude
- Frisco Fog
- Fritz Ackermann
- Frondea
- Fruchtaroma
- Fructu Aromato
- Früher Prinz Borghese
- Frührot
- Frühzauber
- Fruticosa/abbreviata
- Fruticosa/hemiglobosa
- Fucata
- Fucatifolia
- Fulgens
- Fulgescens
- Furry Red Boar
- Furry Yellow Hog
- Fusiformis
- Fuzzy
- Fuzzy Peach
- Fuzzy Wuzzy
- G.S.S. Herbert
- GAB CS 68
- Galaxy
- Galbina
- Galenja iti Visnevidnyj
- Galinas Yellow
- Gandia
- Ganti
- Garden
- Gardener’s Delight
- Gardeners Delight
- Gartenfreude
- Géante de Tézier
- Gelbe 07
- Gelbe Balkon
- Gelbe grosse Fleischtomate
- Gelbe Helene
- Gelbes Birnchen
- Gelbfrucht
- Gem
- Gem State
- Geneva 11
- Geneva 903
- Geneva T 5
- Genovese
- Georgia Streak
- German Bushy
- German Gold
- German Head
- German Queen
- German
Red Strawberry - Gestreifte Beuteltomate
- Ghost Cherry
- Giant Green Zebra
- Giant Syrian
- Gibberosa
- Gift
- Gift from Woodlands
- Gill’s All Purpose
- Gipsy
- Giraffe
- Giza No. 1
- Glauca
- Glaucescens
- Glaucicolor
- Glaucophylla
- Glick 18
- Glick’s 036
- Globelle
- Globiformis
- Globosa
- Globula
- Globularis
- Gloire
- Glomerata
- Gloriana
- Glorija
- Glory
- Glory of Holland
- Glory of Moldova
- Glossy
- Glow
- Glutinosa
- Gnom
- God Love
- Gold Dust
- Gold Ei
- Gold Medal
- Gold Nugget
- Gold Rush
- Goldball
- Golden Ball Zolitoy Char
- Golden Beauty
- Golden Cherokee
- Golden Dwarf Champion
- Golden Glow
- Golden Grape
- Golden Jewel
- Golden Jubilee
- Golden Monarch
- Golden Perfection
- Golden Pineapple
- Golden Queen
- Golden Queen USDA
- Golden Sphere
- Golden Sunrise
- Goldene Koenigin
- Goldene Königin
- Goldie
- Goldkönig
- Goldkugel
- Goldmaker
- Goldn Green
- Goldperle
- Goliath
- Gor’kovskij 44
- Gourmant
- Graceful
- Gracilenta
- Gracilis
- Graf Zeppelin
- Grandifolia
- Grandifructa
- Grandpa Charlie
- Grandpa Cocks Plume
- Grandpak
- Granny Cantrell’s German Pink
- Grape
- Grappoli Corbarino
- Gratifying
- Grazi Törpe
- Green Bell Pepper
- Green Giant
- Green Grape
- Green Pineapple
- Green Sausage
- Green Thumb
- Green Velvet
- Green Zebra
- Greenwich
- Gregoris Altai
- Gribovski Open Ground
- Gribovsky
- Grightmires Pride
- Grimpante du Mexique
- Grimpante du Mexique RL
- Grimpante X Brandywine
- Grisea
- Griseifolia = rava /2
- Grit
- Grosse Cotelee
- Große Fleischtomate
- Grosse Hative d’Orléans
- Grosse Lisse
- Große Rote
- Grosse Strauchtomate
- Großfrüchtige Allerfrüheste Rote
- Großfrüchtige Rote
- Grosso Rosso Nostral
- Grosto
- Grothens Globe
- Grotto
- Gruene Helarios
- Grundovyj Alpat’eva
- Gruntovyj Gribovskij
- Gruntovyj Skorospelyj
- Grushovka
- Gurnsey Island
- H.E.S. 6449
- Hahms Gelbe Topftomate
- Haleys Purple Comet
- Half Bush Type 696
- Hana
- Hanácke
- Hanácke Nejranejsi
- Hank
- Harbinger
- Harlekyn
- Harrow
- Hartsack Yellow
- Harvestvee
- Harzer Kind
- Harzfeuer
- Hastata
- Haubners Vollendung
- Hawaiian Pineapple
- Hayslip
- Heatherington Pink
- Hebros
- Hegyeshalmi tf.
- Heidi
- Heinemanns Jubiläum
- Heinemanns Vortreffliche
- Heinz
- Heinz Spezial
- Heirloom Cherry
- Hellfrucht
- Hellperle
- Henderson’s Winsall
- Herald
- Herbers Kasachin
- Heroport
- Heterogemma
- Heteroidea
- Hilara
- Hild’s Diplom
- Hillbilly
- Hilltop
- Himmelsstuermer
- Himmelsstürmer
- Hlozanek
- Hlocanek
- Hofit
- Holiday
- Hollande 60
- Holy Land
- Homeros
- Homestead
- Homosa
- Hopkins
- Horizont F1
- Horney
- Hughs
- Humboldtii 99
- Hundredfold
- Hurma
- Husky Gold
- I. Bo. Priamo 269/9
- Icana
- Ice
- Ida
- Ideal
- Idol
- Idyll
- Ignava
- Ikarus
- Il kin
- Ildi
- Ildi
- Ilka
- Ilona
- Image1
- Imbecilla
- Immun
- Immuna Beta Prior II
- Immunological
- Impatiens
- Impedita/distincta
- Impedita/exigua
- Imperial
- Improved Colossal Red
- Improved Colossal Yellow
- Improved Garden State
- Improved Wasatch Beauty
- Impuls
- Impulse
- Inclinata
- Inconstans
- Incurva
- Indark
- Indehiscens
- Indian
- Indian Mayan
- Indian Moon
- Indian River
- Indian Stripe
- Indiana
- Indiga
- Indische Fleisch
- Indoor Miracle
- Infirma
- Inflexa
- Inima boului (Herz des Ochsen)
- Inordinata
- Inquieta
- Intakt
- Integer
- Integerrima
- Integrifolia
- Intermech
- Introflexa
- Invalida
- Inyanya
- Iregi Korai Csemege Paradicsom
- Iris
- Irregularis
- Isis Brandy
- Isis Candy
- Islebia
- Isolde
- Itabec
- Italian Giant Plum
- Italian Red Pear
- Italo 61
- Izobilie
- J. Moran
- Jablonelistnyj
- Jaffa
- Jaga
- Jahmato Banana Pear
- Jahoda
- Jana
- Jantarnyj
- Japan Golden Pear
- Japan Red Pear
- Japanese Trifele
- Japanische Zwiebel
- Japanisches Ei
- Japonaise Haute
- Jasnoplodé
- Jasta
- Jaune Grosse Lisse
- Jeanie
- Jefferson W R
- Jewel
- Jocher
- Joes Plum
- Jogewa 135
- Jogewa 35
- Johannisbeer
- Johannisbeertomate
- Johannisfeuer
- John Baer
- Jon
- Joseph Canner
- Jubilee
- Jubilej 25
- Juergl, Kuban
- Jugata
- Juicy
- Jujube Cherry
- Julia
- Juliana
- Julimatador
- Juliyenyj
- June Pink
- Juno
- Jupilee Orange
- Jutta
- Juzanin
- K 928 (Hungary)
- Kaki
- Kaki Coing
- Kalimba
- Kalmans Hungarian Pink
- Kalohi
- Kama
- Karlik
- Karzelek Chodowski
- Karzelek Pulawski
- Kasachstan Det
- Kasachstan Gruene Flasche
- Kasachstan Herz
- Kasachstan Orange
- Kasachstan Riese
- Kasachstan Rote Flasche
- Kasachstan Rote Pflaume
- Kasachstan Rubin
- Kastor
- Katinka
- Katrina
- Kavkazskaja Liana
- Kayoyi
- Kazach’s
- Kazahk Schalavije
- Kecskemét
- Kecskemét x Rutgers
- Kecskeméti
- Kecskeméti Det. San Marzano
- Kecskeméti Export
- Kecskeméti Heterozis
- Kecskeméti I
- Kecskeméti Jubileum
- Kecskeméti Konserv
- Kecskeméti Korai Bibor
- Kecskeméti Merevszaru
- Kecskeméti Törpe
- Kecskeméti Zömök
- Kelloggs Breakfast
- Kentucky Plate
- Keszthelyi Bötermö
- Khabarovsky
- Kidhidhia
- Kienyeji
- Kiev
- Kimberly
- King
- King Humbert
- Kirhiv
- Kirschtomate
- Kisbugaci
- Kisenze
- Kleine Thai
- Kleinfrüchtige Sarko Maria
- Kleopatra
- Knox
- Koenig Humbert
- Koit
- Kokur
- Kolobok
- Kolpasevec
- Kondrat’evskij
- König Humbert
- Königin der Frühen
- Konsa 2
- Konserva
- Konservnyj Kievskij
- Konsul
- Kootenai
- Kora
- Korai Csemege
- Koral
- Korall
- Korean Love
- Korneevskij
- Kosovo
- Kotlas Sprint
- Kotom
- Kouchmovka
- Krakowskie Wczesne
- Krakus
- Krasavica Lotaringii
- Krasnodarec
- Krasnojarskij Rannij
- Krasnoznamennyj
- Krasnyj Dar
- Kremlin Chiming Clock
- Kremser Perle
- Kristi F1
- Kroatische Fleischtomate
- Kronekamp
- Kross 525
- Krupnoplodnyj 178
- Krupnyj Tomskij Rozovyj
- Kuba
- Kuban
- La 118
- La Premiere
- Ladoga
- Lady Bird
- Laesa
- Laeta
- Lafayette
- Lah leh
- Lakeland
- Laketa
- Lambada
- Lampadina 3
- Lampadina 7
- Landino di Pannochia
- Landreth
- Landrys Russian
- Lansing
- Large Fruited
- Large Pink Stripe
- Large Ribbed Pink
- Large Ribbed Zapotec
- Large Rose
- Lata
- Latah
- Laternchen
- Laurano 70
- Laxus
- Leaf Mould Resister No. 1
- Lebjazinskij
- Lebyajinsky
- Lembiformis
- Lemon Blush
- Lena
- Leningradskij Skorospelyj
- Leprosa
- Leveleki tf.
- Lewport
- Liberty Bell
- Lida Ukrainian
- Lider 165
- Lightning
- Lila Sari
- Lillians Red Kansas Paste
- Lillians Yellow Heirloom
- Lima
- Limachino
- Limbrata
- Lime Green Salad
- Limonny
- Line 125
- Line 127
- Linharts Riese
- Linia 22
- Linia 71 ICAR
- Linosa
- Lintorpa Prinzess
- Lipezkij
- Lithuanian Crested
- Lithuanian2
- Little Lucky
- Little Lucky Heart
- Little Oak like
- Livida
- Livingstons Acme
- Livingstons Beauty
- Livingstons Favorite
- Livingstons Gold Ball
- Livingstons Magnus
- Livingstons Paragon
- Lizzy
- Lloyd Forcing
- Locke
- Lollipop
- Long Keeper
- Longipes
- Longkeeper
- Loran Blood
- Lore
- Losickij
- Losinoostrovskij
- Lucida
- Lucky Cross
- Lucky Cross Pink
- Lukullus
- Lunar
- Lunch Bucket
- Lungi si rotunde (lange runde)
- Lungusor
- Luocheng
- Lusena
- Lutea
- Luteola
- Lutescent
- Luxor
- Luxurians
- Lyc cheesmanii Wildform
- Lyc Glandulosum
- Lyconorma
- Lycopersicon cheesmanii Riley
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. esculentum
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. esculentum var. esculentum
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. esculentum var. violaceum Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. fruticosum Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. fruticosum Lehm. var. finiens Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. fruticosum Lehm. var. pygmaeum Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. fruticosum Lehm. var. speciosum Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. amplipinnatum Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. commune Bail.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. cordiforme Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. densifolium Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. flammatum Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. grandifolium Bail.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. incarnatum Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. mikadofolium Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. oviforme (A. Voss)
Lehm. - Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. persicoides Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. perspicuum Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. pluriloculare Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. subviride Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. infiniens Lehm. var. validum Bail.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. parvibaccatum Lehm.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. parvibaccatum Lehm. var. bukasovii Mazk.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. parvibaccatum Lehm. var. cerasiforme (Dun.)
Alef. s.l. - Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. parvibaccatum Lehm. var. colombianum Mazk.
- Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. parvibaccatum Lehm. var. pyriforme (Dun.)
Alef. s.l. - Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. convar. scopigerum Lehm. var. scopigerum Lehm.
- Lycopersicon hirsutum Humb. et Bonpl.
- Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karst. ex Farw.
- Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karst. ex Farw. var. cerasiforme (Dun.) Alef.S.L.
- Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karst. ex Farw. var. humboldtii
- Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karst. ex Farw. var. racemiforme
- Lycopersicon peruvianum (L.) Mill.
- Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill.
- Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. var. pimpinellifolium
- Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. var. ribesoides (A. Voss) Lehm.
- Lycopersicon sp.
- Lycopersicum americanum
- Lycopersicum cheesmanii Wild
- Lycopersicum chmielewskii
- Lycopersicum columbianum
- Lycopersicum macrocarpum Lutea
- Lycoprea
- Lycoprea Lyconorma
- Mac Pink
- Maclivostocki
- Macra
- Macrocarpa
- Macrosepala
- Maculata
- Maculosa
- Madara
- Madrigal
- Magic
- Magician
- Magnif Olympica
- Magnif Potente
- Magnum Bonum
- Maja
- Majak
- Male Cukrove
- Malinove
- Malinowski
- Maljutka
- Malschor Isura
- Mama Leone
- Mammosum
- Mana Lucia
- Manalucie
- Manalurin
- Manapal
- Manitoba
- Manna
- Many Fruited
- Manyel
- Marbon
- Marcescens
- Marchless
- Marcida
- Marcys Mystery
- Marglobe
- Marglobe Gelb
- Marhio Reol
- Maria Hock
- Mariannas Peace
- Marina
- Marinadnyj 1
- Marion
- Marizol Bratka
- Marizol Gold Cherry
- Marizol Red
- Market Gardener
- Market King
- Marktwunder
- Marlowe Charleston
- Marmande
- Marmorata
- Marroqui
- Martinos Roma
- Marvel Striped
- Marvel Striped Tomato
- Marvelous
- Mary
- Mary Ann
- Mary Glowe
- Mary Robinson German Bicolor
- Masinnyj 1
- Maskabec
- Maskotka
- Maslov’s Giant
- Master Carnosa
- Master Caruso
- Master Marglobe
- Matchless
- Mateszalkai 1 tf.
- Matimate
- Matina
- Matt d Imperio
- Matts Wild Cherry
- Matura
- Mausohr
- Mauthners Delicatesse
- Mc Mullen Rose
- MD 145
- Mech. Harv.
- Mecheast 22
- Mechin
- Mediocris
- Medvezhija Lapa Baerenpfote
- Melfort
- Melillero
- Mellow Chime
- Melongenoida
- Melvina
- Meme
- Memory to Vavilov
- Mendosa
- Menryka
- Merrimental
- Merveille de Marchés
- Merveille Des Marches
- Meteor
- Mex
- Mexican Ribbed
- Micado Pink
- Michnevets
- Micinrinsk
- Microcarpa
- Mid Day Sun
- Mikado Scharlachrot
- Mikado Scharlachrote
- Mikado Violettrot
- Mingerzahn St. 55
- Mini
- Mini Rose
- Minibell
- Minibelle
- Minimonk
- Minipop
- Miniver
- Minsky Early
- Minuscula
- Minuta
- Minutula
- Mirabelle Blance
- Miracle of a World
- Miry 6
- Mischka
- Miss Kennedy
- Mission Dyke
- Missouri Pink Love Apple
- Mobil
- Mokka
- Moldavian Bison
- Moldavskij Rannij
- Mon Plaisir
- Monarch
- Mondo Duro
- Money Maker
- Moneycross
- Moneymaker
- Moneysprint
- Monstrosa
- Moonglow
- Morata
- Morden Yellow
- Morning
- Morse 498
- Mortalis
- Mortgage Lifter Halladays
- Mosage
- Moscow
- Moskovskij Osennij
- Moskwitsch
- Motley
- Mountain Cherry
- Mr Brown
- Mr Stripey
- MS 5 Cherry
- Mschala pomidori (Birnen Tomaten)
- MT 13/47
- Mule Team
- Multi Color
- Multicolor
- Multiflora
- Multifolia
- Multiformis
- Multifurcata
- Multinata
- Multinervis
- Multiplex
- Multiplicata
- Multivalens
- Müncheberger Frühtomate
- Muskovite
- Mustang
- Mutabilis
- Nadia
- Nadja
- Nagyatadi
- Nagyecsedi
- Najwczesniejsze
- Nana
- Nani teneri romani
- Napoli VF
- Napri 314
- Napsugar
- Narancs
- Nebraska Wedding
- Nectarine
- Neglecta
- Neifan
- Nemador
- Neman
- Nematex
- Nepal
- Nepalesin
- Nepryadva
- Neris
- Nesthäkchen
- Neuling
- Neves Azorean Red
- Nevskij
- Nevsky
- New Big Dwarf
- New King
- New Yorker
- New Zealand Paste
- Nicholaevna Pink
- Nicky Crain
- Niedrige Busch
- Nistru
- Nitens
- Nitida
- Nitidula
- Noire Charbonneuse
- Noire De Crimee
- Nois
- Norano
- North
- North Grape
- Northern Lights
- Northerner
- Norton
- Nostrano Grosso
- Nosuro
- Notabilis
- Nova
- Novato
- Novikovs Giant
- Novinka Kubani
- Novinka Pridnestrov’ja
- Novocerkasskij
- Novogogoschary
- Nower
- Nr. 1 D
- Nyadundo
- Nyagous
- Nyaluo
- Nyanya
- Nyanya giriama
- Nyanya tomate
- Nyanyandogo
- Nyapesa
- Nyirteleki tf.
- Oahu
- Oak
- Oaxacan
- Oaxacan Jewel
- Obscura
- Obtusa
- Ochsenherz
- Ochsenherz Orange
- Odeon
- Odesskij
- Ogni Moskvi
- Ogosta
- Ohio W R 3
- Ohio W R Brookston
- Ohio W R Jubilee
- Ohnegleichen
- OJ Orange Juice
- Ökörsziv
- Oktjabrenok
- Ola
- Olan F1
- Old German
- Old Ivory Egg
- Old Moscow Suburb
- Old Time Creased Top
- Old Timey Yellow
- Old Virgina Heirloom
- Old Wyandotte
- Old Yellow Candystripes
- Oligosperma
- Olirose
- Olivacea /1
- Olivacea /2
- Olive
- Oliventraube
- Olomoucké Nizké
- Omars Lebanese
- Ontario
- Ontario Pink 774
- Ontario Red 775
- Onyx
- Opaca
- Opacata
- Opal
- Opalka
- Open Air
- Opolcenec
- Optimus
- Opus
- Orange
- Orange Ball
- Orange Bourgois
- Orange coloured
- Orange Dino Eggs
- Orange Flaschentomate
- Orange Heart
- Orange Heirloom
- Orange Queen
- Orange Russian 117
- Orange Sauer
- Orange Strawberry
- Orange Sunrise
- Orange Tree
- Orange Wonder
- Orange Wunder
- Orangenbusch
- Orangina
- Orbita 278
- Oregon Spring
- Osiris
- Ostankinskij 121
- Ostravské Rané
- Otradny
- Otradnyi (Pleasant)
- Otradnyi Otradnaja
- Ottawa
- Outdoor Girl
- Outdoors Anglia
- Outpost
- Ovata
- Ovate /3
- Overcoming
- Oviformis
- Ovo Brasileiro
- Ovoidea = ovate/2
- Ozyrys
- P.L.M.
- Page German Red
- Palhazai tf.
- Pallescens
- Pallida
- Pan America
- Paprika shaped
- Paprikové
- Páratlan
- Parca = sufflaminata/2
- Parma Große Rote Gerippte
- Parteno
- Partiaria
- Parva
- Parviflora
- Parvistata
- Patrik
- Patriot
- Patriot Kruglyj
- Pauciflora
- Paucipinnata
- Paucisurcata
- Paul Robeson
- Pauper
- Paupercula
- Paw
- Peacevine Cherry
- Peach Blow Sutton
- Peach Shaped
- Peak of Perfection
- Pearl Harbour
- Pearls Yellow Pink
- Pearson B
- Pearson Improved
- Pecerskij
- Peche
- Pecs Gyöngye
- Pécs Gyöngye
- Pekinskij No. 10
- Pelati
- Pembina
- Pendens
- Pendulina
- Penetrabile
- Penn’s State
- Penn’s State Earliana
- Pentomech
- Pepper like Pendant
- Percevidnyj
- Perdigame
- Perdrigeon
- Peremoga
- Peremoga 165
- Perfection
- Perfekta
- Perlat
- Perlina
- Perlucida
- Persimmon
- Perspicua
- Peru
- Pervenec 190
- Pervenez F1
- Perviridis
- Pestryje
- Petito
- Peto 95
- Pfingstgruß
- Pfirsichtomate
- Pflaumenförmige Gelbe
- Pflaumenförmige Rote
- Philippine 2
- Phils Fantastic
- Photon
- Phyra
- Phytoresista
- Piccolo
- Picksy Stripe (T 5)
- Picta
- Piedmont
- Pierette
- Pik Red
- Piks Yugo
- Pillnitzer St. XV
- Pilot
- Pineapple
- Pineapple Fog
- Ping Pong
- Pink Boar
- Pink Candy
- Pink Delight
- Pink Giant
- Pink Grapefruit
- Pink Lemon
- Pink Peach
- Pink Ping Pong
- Pink Plum
- Pink Ponderosa
- Pink Queen
- Pink Russian 117
- Pink Salad
- Pink Sweet
- Pinkshipper
- Pinnosa
- Pinoccio
- Pioneer
- Pioner 2
- Pionerskij
- Pipo
- Piretta Mutant
- Pixie Striped
- Plan 904
- Plana
- Planet
- Planovyj
- Planovyj 904
- Platzfest, Süß
- Plavnevyj A 80
- Pleasant
- Plentiful
- Plicata
- Plourde
- Plovdivska Konserva
- Plovdivski 14
- Plovdivski Export
- Plum Fryer
- Plum Lemon
- Plum like
- Plumpton King
- Plus resist RR
- Podarok 105
- Pokusa
- Polar
- Polar Beauty
- Polar Star
- Pole
- Polish Heart
- Poljarnyj 303
- Polylopha
- Polylopha
- Polyphylla
- Poma Amoris Minora Lutea
- Pometa Tardio
- Pomodore da Impalaze
- Pomodori Giganti
- Pomodoro a Grappoli d’Inverno
- Pomodoro Costoluto di Marmande
- Pomodoro Costoluto Genovese
- Pomodoro d‘ estate
- Pomodoro d’inverno
- Pomodoro S. Marzano
- Pomona
- Ponderosa
- Ponderosa Purpurviolette
- Ponta
- Porion
- Pork Chop
- Porter
- Portocala
- Portuguese Neighbour
- Porzeczkowe
- Potella
- Potentat
- Potentate
- Potomech II
- Powers Heirloom
- Poznanski J. S. 1
- Prachtlow
- Praeclusa
- Praecox
- Praematura
- Praemortua
- Präsident Garfield
- Prebohate
- Prebohate Determinant
- Precoce
- Precoce de Chatem
- Precocibec
- Prelude
- Premiere
- Premiere Revolte
- President Garfield
- Preslav
- Pressa
- Presto
- Prevoskodnyj 176
- Prices Purple
- Prima
- Prince Borghese
- Principe Borghese Drying
- Prinz von Sachsen & Coburg
- Pritchard
- Pritchard Scarlet Topper
- Prize Winner
- Procera
- Proclinata
- Proclinata = rigida/2
- Procumbens
- Productiva
- Prof. Rudloffs Busch
- Profitable
- Profusion
- Progress
- Prometeo
- Protea
- Provenzano
- Prudens Purple
- Prue
- Pruhonicky Universal
- Pruniforme
- Prunoidea
- PS 73
- Pulpy pink
- Pulvinata
- Pulvinata
- Pulvinata /1
- Pulviniformis
- Pumila
- Punctata
- Punctulata
- Punjab Chhuhara x 4205
- Punta Banda
- Purdue 135
- Purilla
- Purple
Calabash - Purple Perfect
- Purple Prince
- Purple Russian
- Purple Smudge
- Purpur Isonica
- Purpurea
- Purpurkönig
- Purpurrote Sarah
- Pusa Ruby
- Puskin
- Pustulata
- Puszta Koloss
- Pyongyang Bun Hong
- Qianglimishou
- Qiyanai Fen
- Qiyanai Huang
- Quedlinburger
Frühe Liebe - Quick Pick
- Quinte
- Quiz
- Rada
- Radaubruder
- Radio
- Raf
- Rainbow
- Rainbow Bicolor Cherry
- Raketa
- Ramillete
- Ramosissima
- Ranificano
- Rannij
- Rapid Forcing
- Raspberry Colored
- Rava
- Ravello
- Re Umberto
- Red Alert
- Red Barn
- Red Boar
- Red Brandywine
- Red Calabash
- Red Cap
- Red Cavern
- Red Cherry
- Red Currant
- Red Garden Peach
- Red Giant
- Red Grape
- Red Head
- Red Jaquet
- Red Peach
- Red Pear
- Red Pear like
- Red Pear Shaped
- Red Penna
- Red Plum
- Red Robin
- Red Sungold
- Red Sungold Select II
- Red Top
- Red Top VF
- Red Whoppa
- Red Zebra
- Redfield Beauty
- Redondo Palo Santo
- Redstaker
- Redstone
- Refranata
- Reginas Yellow
- Reif Red Heart
- Reine De St Marthe
- Reinhards Goldkirsche
- Reinhards Tomate
- Reisetomate
- Relaxata
- Renas Turban
- Renate
- Repens
- Repetida
- Repleta
- Resista
- Resista Korai
- Restricta
- Rheinlands Ruhm
- Rhode Island Early
- Ribesiforme
- Ricaj
- Rich in Vitamins
- Richardson
- Richay
- Rideau
- Rideau Sweet
- Riesentraube
- Riga
- Rigida
- Rigidula /1
- Rijk Zwaan’s No. 57
- Rio Grande
- Riposta
- Rivalidad
- Riverside Favorite
- Robeson Angolan
- Robot
- Robusta II = dwarf
- Robusta/crispata=dwarf/crispata
- Robusta/immuna = dwarf/immuna
- Rocky Nabeltomate
- Rodade
- Rodina
- Rodnik (Spring)
- Roll a Pea
- Roma
- Roma L.F.
- Roma V.F.
- Roman Candle
- Romanova
- Romeis Riese
- Romulus VFN F1 RS
- Romus
- Rosalinde
- Rose
- Rose Quartz
- Rosenstock
- Rosovij Perzewidnij
- Rote Beere
- Rote Heidi
- Roter Gnom
- Roter Zwerg
- Rotes Birnchen
- Rotfrucht
- Rotkäppchen
- Rotundata
- Rotundifolia
- Roughwood Golden Plum
- Roughwood Golden Tiger
- Royal De Guineaux
- Royal Flush
- Royal Red Cherry
- Rubescens = lutescent/2
- Rubin
- Rubka
- Rubygold
- Rubyvee
- Rufus Carrigans Mexican Pink
- Rugby Orange
- Ruptilis
- Russian Bogatyr
- Russian Giant
- Russian Persimmon
- Russian Rose
- Russische
- Rustica
- Rutger
- Rutgers
- Ruths Perfect
- Ruzovy Ker
- Rybka 52
- Saeuerling
- Saint Pierre
- Sakskij
- Sallisaw Cafe
- Salus
- Samurabe pomidori
- San José Canner
- San Marzano
- San Marzano Baldoni
- San Marzano Lampadina
- Sandpoint
- Sandul Moldovan
- Sans Pareille
- Santa
- Santa Ana Beuteltomate
- Santa Clara Canner
- Santa Cruz
- Santiam
- Sara Goldstar Cherry
- Saras Galapagos
- Sárga Trophy
- Sarnowski Polish Plum
- Sashas Altai
- Satilovskij 35
- Saturn
- Scarlet
- Scarlet Dawn
- Scarlet du Canada
- Scarlet Topper
- Schellenbergs Favorite
- Schimmeig Creg
- Schimmeig Stoo Striped Hollow
- Schimmeig Striped Hollow
- Schmatzefein
- Schöne von Lothringen
- Schuntukskij Velikan
- Schwarze Sarah
- Scopulina
- Scorsby Dwarf
- Scotia
- Scotland
- Selandia
- Seleccao
- Selection
- Selektion Rutishauer
- Self Pruning
- Semiglobosa
- Semisterilis
- Semudgomis pomidori (Herbsttomate)
- Serpentina
- Shatilsky
- Sheyenne
- Shilling Giant
- Shimmeig Creg
- Shimmeig Striped Hollow
- Short Red Cherry
- Short staged
- Shoshone
- Shumways Sensation
- Siberia
- Siberian
- Siberian Bushy
- Siberian Fast Ripening
- Siberian Golden Pear
- Siberian Tomato
- Sibirischer Finger
- Sibirskij Skorospelij
- Sibirskij Skorospelyj
- Sibirskij Skorospelyj 1450
- Sieger
- Silver Tuckqueen
- Siniy
- Sintesti
- Sinuata
- Sioux
- Sitiens
- Skibicki Wczesny
- Skorospelka
- Slager
- Slava
- Slava
- Slava Poryni
- Sleewuhvidneyeh (Plum Lemon)
- Slivovidnij Polosatij
- Slivovidnyj
- Slivovidnyj 59
- Sliwkowe
- Small Pink Stripe
- Smena 47
- Smokey Mountain
- Snow Ball
- Snow White Cherry
- Sofia
- Sofijska Konserva
- Sojourner
- Solanum Spontaneum
- Solar (Sunny)
- Soldacki
- Solguld
- Solguld Busk
- Solnecnyj
- Soluta
- Solymari
- Solymári
- Somesan
- Sonato
- Song Hu
- Sonja
- Sopogoncich
- Southern Night
- Southland
- Sovetskij 679
- Spadaro
- Spanische Aromafleischtomate
- Spark
- Spark’s Earliana
- Sparsa
- Speckled Peach
- Sperls Zukunft
- Sphacelata
- Sphaerica
- Spintoma
- Splash of Cream
- Splendens
- Spoon
- Sprint
- Squarrosa
- St. Pierre
- Stabilis
- Stable
- Stage
- Stakebreaker
- Stalingradskij
- Stam Bovoy
- Stambovye Alpat’eva
- Stambovyj
- Staminodia
- Standard
- Star
- Starfire
- Stephen
- Sterilis
- Sterling Old Norway
- Stokesdale
- Stombovyj Karlik 1185
- Stone
- Stonor
- Stonor Exhibition
- Stonor’s M.P.
- Striata
- Striped Cavern
- Striped Dino Eggs
- Striped German
- Striped Oxheart
- Striped Roman
- Striped Turkish
- Stump Of The World
- Stupice
- Stupicke
- Stupicke Rane
- Sub Arctic Cherry
- Sub Arctic Delight
- Sub Arctic Maxi
- Sub Arctic Midi
- Sub Arctic Mini
- Sub Arctic Plenty
- Subarctic
- Subarctic Maxi
- Subarctic Mida
- Suberosa
- Subrotunda
- Subrustica
- Subsistens
- Succedanea
- Success
- Sud Australia
- Sufflaminata
- Sufflava
- Suffulta /1
- Suffusa
- Sulac
- Sulias Heart
- Summer Cider
- Summer Lightning
- Sun Baby Cherry
- Sun Sugar F1
- Suncherry F1
- Sundrop
- Sungella
- Sungold F1
- Sungold Select
- Sunlight
- Sunnybrook Earliana
- Sunray
- Sunrise
- Super California
- Super Italian Plum
- Super Marmande
- Super Roma
- Super Sioux
- Super Sweet
- Supermarket 27162
- Surecrop
- Sureset Forcing
- Surprise
- Suso
- Sutton’s Every Day
- Svitanok
- Sweet 100
- Sweet Cherry
- Sweet Million
- Sweetie
- Swift
- Swiss Alpine
- Sylvan Gaume
- Syriusz
- Systematic
- Szabadföldi Korai
- Tabescens
- Tabolinskij
- Talalichin
- Talalichinsky
- Talalihin 186
- Talent
- Tamanec
- Tamata
- Tamatem
- Tambovskij Urosainyj
- Tamina
- Tamu Chico III
- Tangele
- Tangella
- Tangerine
- Taplani Konzerv
- Taps
- Tarasenko
- Tarda
- Taylor Lacey Leaf
- Tazlari 2
- Teardrop
- Tee Mo Or
- Tegucigalpa
- Temnokrasnyj
- Tempestiva
- Tempo
- Tenera
- Tennessee Britches
- Tennessee Sweet
- Tenuis
- Teplicnyj 200
- Teplicnyj Nikulina
- Terminata
- Testa F1
- Teton de Venus
- Tetri lobio
- Tezier Prim
- Thai Pink
- The Alpatev’s
- The Amateur
- The Giant
- The Orange
- The President
- The Sun
- The Very Best
- Thompson Seedless
- Thompson Seedless Grape
- Tibet Apple
- Tidwell German
- Tiffen Mennonite
- Tiganesti
- Tiger Paw
- Tiger Striped
- Tigerella
- Tigerella (Russian)
- Tigerette
- Timpurii de Tiganesti
- Tindi
- Tindindogo
- Tini Tiger
- Tiny Tiger
- Tiny Tim
- Tip Gumberta
- Tip Top
- Tipton
- Tiraspolskij 125
- Titan
- Tlacolula Ribbed
- Todd County Amish
- Togo
- Togo Trefle
- Toska
- Tomadose des Comores
- Tomata perita
- Tomate
- Tomate angolano
- Tomate bombitaito
- Tomate botellita
- Tomate cimarron
- Tomate cimarron legendario
- Tomate cimarron rojo
- Tomate cimarrón silvestre
- Tomate cocina
- Tomate criollo
- Tomate de cocina
- Tomate de coeina
- Tomate de ensalada
- Tomate imporio
- Tomate jiga
- Tomate jiguita
- Tomate largo
- Tomate liso
- Tomate montesino
- Tomate perita
- Tomate placero
- Tomate rinon
- Tomate, Johannisbeer
- Tomatillo
- Tomatito de Jalapa
- Tomato Placero
- Tomato Tropic
- Tommy Toe
- Tondino R.S.
- Tondo
- Tondo Giallo
- Tondo lischio rosso
- Tonnelet
- Tonnelet LF
- Torch
- Torosa
- Treff
- Tricuspis = tf /2
- Triumpf
- Triumph
- Trophy
- Trophy Scharlachrote
- Tropic
- Tropical
- Trpaslicek
- Truffe Precose
- Truncata
- Tschechische Gelbe
- Tucker’s Forcing
- Tuckwood
- Tuckwood Favorite
- Tuker’s Favorite
- Tulip
- Tumida
- Turgida
- Turkey Chomp
- Turks Muts
- Turma
- Turul
- Tuxhorns Red & Yellow
- Überreich
- Uj Üstökos
- Ukrainian Poet
- Ukrainskij Teplicnyj
- Ukrainskij Teplicnyj 285
- Ukranian Pear
- ULF 1193
- Ulrichowski Wczesny
- Umbraculiformis
- Umbrosa
- Undulatifolia
- Unermüdliche
- Unicaulis
- Uniform Globe
- Unijuga
- Uniluc
- Unique
- Unknown
- Uralskij Mnogoplodnyj 281
- Urbana
- Urozajnyj
- Usabec
- Utra
- Utro
- V 121
- V 473
- V Red Top 9
- V. Boguslawski Tobona
- Vagabund
- Vah tan (Homeland)
- Vahle Leader
- Valencia
- Valenciano
- Valiant
- Valida
- Vantage
- Vardisperi
- Varia
- Varia/decolorata
- Varia/virgata
- Variabilis
- Varida
- Varsovia
- Vatan
- Vater Rhein
- VB Russia
- Veebrite
- Veecrop
- Veemore
- Veepick
- Veepro
- Veeroma
- Velue Striee
- Velutina
- Vencal
- Vendor
- Venetta
- Veni Vidi Vici
- Veno
- Venosa
- Ventura
- Venture
- Venus
- Vera
- Veras Paradeiser
- Versavija 256
- Versicolor
- Versiformis
- Vesennij Micurinskij
- Vetomold
- Vezha
- Victory
- Vieta
- Viktor
- Vilina
- Vine like
- Vineland
- Vintage Wine
- Violacea
- Virgatula
- Virginia
- Virgulta
- Viridis
- Viridula
- Virocross
- Virovekij Skorospelyj
- Viscount
- Vista Volunteer
- Vitamin
- Vitamina
- Viteny Didej
- Vitiosa = deformis /2
- Vitjas 287
- Vitosa
- Vkusnyj 3
- Vladiwostokskij 39
- Vlamon
- Voctor
- Volgoachtubinskij 455
- Volgogadian
- Volgograd 5/25
- Volgogradskij
- Volgogradskij Skorospelka
- Volgogradskiye Early
- Volynsky
- Voskhod 119
- Vostok 36
- Vyeesa
- Walentina
- Walter
- Wapsipinicon Peach
- Warszawskie
- Washington State Forcing
- Watermelon Beefsteak
- Weisnichts Ukranian
- Weiss Behaarte
- Weißbehaart
- Weissfrucht
- West Virginia 63
- West Virginia Acc. 106
- Westlandia
- Wheatleys Frost Resistant
- Whipper Snapper
- White Beauty of Canada
- White Bush
- White Oxheart
- White Queen
- White Rabbit
- White Tomesol
- White Wonder
- Willamette
- Wiltmaster
- Wilty
- Wins All
- Wiry
- Wisconsin 55
- Wisniowe
- Without anthocyanin
- Wolford Wonder
- Wolowe Serca
- Woodland’s Giant
- World’s Wonder
- WPR 489
- Wunder des Marktes
- Xantha
- Xanthophyllic
- Yamal
- Yasha Yugoslavian
- Yellow Agate
- Yellow Ailsa Craig
- Yellow Amish
- Yellow Cherry
- Yellow Giant
- Yellow Grape
- Yellow Niunai
- Yellow Out Red In
- Yellow Pear
- Yellow Pear Shaped
- Yellow Pearshaped
- Yellow Perfection
- Yellow Pink
- Yellow Plum
- Yellow Red Cherry
- Yellow Red Streaked
- Yellow Red Stripes Inside
- Yellow Ruffled
- Yellow Striped Boar
- Yellow Stuffer
- Yellow Tangerine
- Yellow Taxi
- Yellow Zebra
- Yorkbec
- You Go
- Z 1009
- Zakasnoi 280
- Zakopane
- Zakopane X Brown Flesh
- Zaofen
- Zapotec Pleated
- Zaria
- Zeas Sonnabend White
- Zerevo 109
- Zevat
- Zigan
- Zitrosa
- Zloty Jubileusz
- Zocka
- Zolotoj Samorodok
- Zongshu
- Zorile
- Zucker Kleinfrüchtige Rote
- Zuckerbusch
- Zuckertomate
- Zuckertraube
- Zwaan’s Augusta
[xyz-ihs snippet=“Tomaten“]